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Darwin Day Guests
2021 Jingmai O'Connor, PhD "The Multiple Origins of Dinosaurian Flight"
Associate Curator of Fossil Reptiles, The Field Museum
2021 Jeffrey Thompson, PhD "Fossils, Genes, and Animal Body Plans"
Newton International Fellow, University College London
2020 Beth Shapiro, PhD "How to Clone a Mammoth"
Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz, and HHMI New Investigator
2020 Sean Carroll, PhD "The Serengeti Rules"
Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology, UW-Madison and HHMI Investigator and Vice President of Education
2019 Kenneth Lacovara, PhD "Why Dinosaurs Matter"
Dean & Professor, School of Earth & Environment, Rowan University
2018 Neil Shubin, PhD "Finding Your Inner Fish"
Robert R. Bensley Professor of Organismal Biology & Anatomy, University of Chicago